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What Is the Point of Uploading Discoveries in No Mans Sky

A moon with a giant vagina, and other weird discoveries in No Homo'southward Sky

Tens of thousands of people are decorated exploring No Man's Sky over again, discovering all sorts of weird and wild sights in the procedurally generated galaxy. Below I've gathered upwards the weirdest of what players take plant, merely first let'due south get-go with a few of my discoveries. Probably the oddest moment I've had this past week was when I warped into a star system and establish myself staring at a moon that appeared to be sporting a rather massive vagina on its surface.

I know there take been plenty of players who accept use terrain tools to sculpt dongs on planets, but this is vagina so big you lot can encounter information technology from infinite, and information technology isn't the result of player shenanigans. It'southward a naturally appearing mathematical occurrence that but happens to look like a very big vagina. (Or maybe it looks like the flame of a candle. You exist the judge.) Hither's a full-sized prototype.

The moon, called Dagnor 3, circling a planet named Crobia, was an 'Empty Moon', with no animate being or plant life present. Even the vagina itself vanished when I flew too shut, disassembling into more than random-looking cracks and ridges in the moon's surface long before I got shut enough to country. To me, though, information technology will ever exist the Moon Vagina of Dagnor III.

With that bit of business out of the mode, hither's a look at some other oddities spotted in No Man's Sky over the past calendar week. Manifestly there are some spoilers beneath if yous want to detect (and exist surprised by) all this stuff yourself.

This planet covered with bony things

Many players have come across planets that are lifeless but but covered with these weird objects that wait like they're made of bone. You can mine them for resource if you have an advanced laser, and as far every bit I can tell they're new to Next, joining other semi-rare oddities similar chimera planets.

This other weird planet covered with these other weird things

If y'all've come across a [REDACTED] planet (that's what it's called on your scanner) and landed, yous probably saw some of these... things. Over again, information technology's some other somewhat rare occurrence, littered with tall metal spires, some of them hovering a few anxiety off the footing.

This blobby institute brute that has a huge butthole

I'one thousand not obsessed with torso parts or anything. I promise! I merely keep accidentally finding them in No Human being's Sky. Here's a large multi-eyed plant hulk that was sloshing around on a planet, and I decided to kill it and button information technology down a colina considering I am a massive space wiggle. That's when I discovered information technology had an enormous butthole (or some sort of hole) that it hops around on.

OK, that'southward information technology for torso parts from me, I hope. Probably.

This abandoned, pre-Next infinite station

You'll no longer detect a infinite station in every single star arrangement: some oasis't been discovered or explored past the NPC factions yet. Others, however, accept been colonized but afterwards abased. What'south really cool is that these abandoned stations have the same layout as the original infinite stations: the unmarried circular door and aforementioned types of small-scale chambers they had before they were redesigned for Adjacent. The landing pads all glow ruby and it'due south more than than a bit creepy in there. If you notice one, be sure to check it out.

Aliens that bring their own chairs everywhere

It was e'er a fleck foreign that trading posts had all these seats set out for visitors, rows and rows of them, simply no one ever sabbatum in them. Earlier Next, the single occupant at the postal service always stood. With more NPCs added, I figured now some of those seats would at least be filled.

Well, no. There are usually a handful of NPCs at the trading posts, and some of them are sitting. Simply it looks like NPCs prefer to bring their own chairs with them. I'1000 even so not certain who all those seats at trading posts are for and why no one will sit in them. Another No Man's Sky mystery.

A very, very cherry solar system

I'g not the only one at PC Gamer playing No Man'south Sky, every bit our intrepid photographer Andy Kelly posted final week virtually all the interesting stuff he's been coming across, including a startlingly lovely, extremely cherry-red galaxy (higher up). I've seen a lot of blue and yellowish and light-green systems, and some that are adequately red, merely I've never seen a vivid red arrangement quite similar this. Cute.

This sentinel walker at rest

Via Reddit, posted by Scinetik

What I'd hoped (only sort of doubted) might exist pilotable mechsuits shown in the Next trailer turned out to exist high-level sentinel walkers, mechanical protectors of the resources on sure planets. Reddit member Scinetik spotted ane on of these pain-in-the-asses on hunkered down in standby manner.

I love that they have sort of an offline, resting pose. Merely chilling out, relaxing, waiting for someone to break the rules. So it'south stomping fourth dimension.

A floating chocolate-dipped donut

Via Reddit, posted by Lunitari696

Mmm, delicious! If this planet found and posted by Reddit member Lunitari696 contains an isle that looks like a chocolate-dipped donut, maybe information technology also contains a massive cup of coffee, too. You lot'd need a pretty big ship if you lot wanted to take it with yous, though.

Is this a transport for ants?

Via Reddit, posted by Slappy193

Hm. Decent little hauler there docked at a space station, until you notice it is a decent very piddling hauler. I'm not certain the player, if they chose to buy it, could even squeeze in there (opens in new tab) since they're really taller than the wee ship. And if so, surely it wouldn't have the cargo space to concur more than a few gravitino assurance.

A hex moon orbiting a hex planet

Via Reddit, posted by TezzaMcJ

Hex planets have been around since the terminal expansion (opens in new tab), and while I don't really know their purpose they're still 1 of my favorite planets to come beyond. I've seen these constructed planets and hex moons before, just only one at a fourth dimension and never ii in the same systems. Information technology happens, though, because he's a hex planet with a hex moon orbiting it. Reddit user TezzaMcJ constitute these (opens in new tab) ii beauts.  In that location's a couple more than shots here (opens in new tab).

A frigate of hungy ghosts

Via Reddit, posted by phoisgood495

You tin can acquire frigates by flying close to them and hailing them on the radio, so inspecting their stats. Earlier yous purchase information technology, make certain you take a close await at the crew. This crew'south mood is 'Hungry', which could hateful hungry for action or maybe they're just not well-fed.

Be certain to expect at the Notes department, too. It contains important information, such as virtually this frigate establish by Reddit user phoisgood495 (opens in new tab). If you overstate the picture to a higher place, you'll see the annotation mentions that the frigate is 'crewed by ghosts.' Huh. That seems important. That seems too important to be left to a note. In fact, it should really exist painted on the side of the ship.

Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write virtually them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably and then he'd cease emailing them asking for more work. Chris has a love-hate human relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He'southward too a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs and then he tin can make upward his ain.


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